Tuesday, March 04, 2025

SEC Champions! UT Women's Basketball Game - 03/02/2025

your geniuses at work

On Sunday, March 2, we headed to the University of Texas campus to catch the UT Women’s Basketball team play in the final game of the year. I thought I was being a smart boy and bought tickets for my parents, Jamie and myself. 

This week is my mom’s birthday, and my parents are both alumnae of the University of Florida, who we were playing. I called to surprise them, and they informed me they’d already purchased tickets to the same game. This is how things work at my house. 

Steanso, The Niece and Yours Truly

So, Sunday afternoon my mom and cousin met up with me and Jamie, and then Steanso's family.  We had seats in separate sections, but it worked out.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Phantogram at ACL Live - Austin, TX 01/24/2025

Went to go see Phantogram downtown Austin this evening.  Attended with Steanso and Frank.

I've been into Phantogram since hearing When I'm Small as the music to a trailer for a comic book years ago.  I've seen them once before at The Mohawk.

I've dug their progression over the years, including experiments like Big Grams.

Anyway, they put on a solid 90+ minute set that was all rockin', minimal talkin' at a sold out ACL Live.

If I can find a set list, I'll post it.  But they definitely played all my favorite songs, so what else can you ask for?

Frank had never seen them, and really didn't know them, but I think he dug them a lot.  

Hilariously, the bass was so hard during one song I could feel the air moving around my legs.  It was a great show and the crowd was super into it.  

By the way, these pics aren't great because I'm 6'5" and stood at the back so other folks could see.  

Here's some quick video I grabbed that isn't any good.

Also, this signs was accurate:

late edit:  supporting act was GLU out of LA.  One-man act, former Queens of the Stone Age member, sorta a meld of alt-rock and hip-hop that had some tracks that were pretty dang good.  

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Andre Crosses the Rainbow Bridge

during Christmas this year

Just over three years ago, we adopted a very large dog.

We'd been going through a rescue that specializes in Golden Retrievers, and got something we thought was a mix.  A 110+ pound mix of Golden Retriever and... something.  Our new boi swiftly got healthier and was now a 120+ pound mix.  And, as it would turn out, not a Golden at all, but a Great Pyrenees mix with a dollop of Pit Bull.  

But because the rescue thought he was a gigantic Golden, they'd named him Andre the Giant.  When given a chance to rename him, we figured he'd just been given a new name, and he sure seemed like an Andre.  

In the end, his breed explained a lot.  As a Golden, he'd had a hard time getting adopted out because he would bark at people who came to meet him, which could be intimidating.  But, Pyrs are sheep guard dogs, and they bark at people entering their territory.  We didn't have that problem - he came to meet us at our house - and it was kind of love at first sight, but when we thought he was a Golden, his behavior was super odd.  

When he didn't want to do something badly enough, or he got scared, he would sploot - just go to ground and dare you to move him.  He didn't want to be in the backyard at all, even with us, and he was very confused by things Goldens love, like toys, pleasing people, and following commands - which is not a thing Pyrs care about at all.  

Sunday, January 12, 2025

A Night at The Austin Symphony - The New World

So, back during covid lockdown, I spent a lot of time watching YouTube.  And, as some may remember, during the first days of lockdown in March of 2020, famed cellist Yo-Yo Ma offered up a song of comfort with Dvořák's "Coming Home".  

At the time, this was the thing that wrecked me as I realized how we were all in this together, for a long time to come.  But, I also realized I didn't really know anything about Dvořák, or this song, which we've all heard out there somewhere.  But if Ma picked Dvořák, I thought it was worth looking into.  

There's a pretty great explainer here from 2020 (hopefully the link doesn't die).  And one from NPR on the full symphony.  

I learned it's the second movement of Dvořák's Symphony No. 9, "From The New World", written circa 1893.  You will know this symphony - it's been used in movies, television, etc... in bits and pieces. 

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Longhorns Surprisingly Good Season Ends at the Cotton Bowl - and Year One in the SEC

A few years ago, my alma mater, former employer and preferred college sports program - the University of Texas - announced that they were leaving the Big 12 Conference for the SEC.  I hated this decision then, and I hate it now.  In fact, it's fair to say the past fifteen years have seen me come to really dislike the "business" of college football, including NIL deals and the way the tail is now wagging the dog on college campuses - even as I totally get that there are people who will genuinely believe universities only exist so we can have football.*

My beef with the move to the SEC stemmed from my belief this was shortsighted and only benefited one of the many NCAA sports in which the university competes, while also punishing the athletes, who now had to travel across the continent every time the Longhorns had a match, meet or game.  Which is fine if you only play on Saturdays in the Fall semester, but sports like Volleyball, Soccer, Tennis, Swimming, etc... would have to *also* travel like this, and be in their Econ 302 class by 10:00 AM the following day.  Despite whatever money Quinn Ewers made this year from Dr. Pepper, these athletes are still students.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Christmas 2024

the official White House 2024 ornament, amongst some family ornaments

Our mode the past decade or so has been to throw as much Christmas as we can at the wall so when something doesn't pan out or something bad happens, at least *something* Christmassy occurred.

This year we got up decorations inside and outside the house early.

We put up the Super Tree

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving, Pals

Here in the US of A, it's Thanksgiving.  

I love Thanksgiving.  It's about food and hanging out.  Ideal. It's also a nice break between the shenanigans of Halloween and the all-consuming maelstrom that is Christmas.

May you find yourself with some quality plans.  Watch the parade!  Watch a dog show!  Put on some football!

We're not hosting this year - that honor lies with KareBear and The Admiral.  Mom is prepping a bird, she'll have potatoes and green beans, and I'll be a happy boy.  Jamie is pitching in.  She started prep a few days ago, staling bread for stuffing.  And Wednesday, she both prepped the stuffing (making the house smell amazing with butter and onion).  She also cooked a turkey breast to ensure we'd have turkey for sandwiches if the turkey was fully consumed at my folks' house.  

No - We will not have too much turkey.  I love turkey.  I understand people don't, and that's fine as it means: more turkey for me.  The likelihood I'll just slowly eat a couple of turkeys given the chance is greater than zero.  As is the possibility I'll make like a 1930's cartoon and just inhale a turkey, leaving a pile of bones.

I wish those of you who can be with family the absolute best.  It could be a colorful year.  Take care of yourself.  But it may go really well.  Here's hoping.

Our plans currently include dinner with my folks and watching football both Friday with some Nebraska fans, and Saturday - as we see if UT can beat A&M in the their first match-up in some time.

And, of course, we'll be putting up our share of Christmas decor, inside and outside the house.